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Correcting a violation from various agencies can be a nightmare with the waste of both time and money. We specialize in violation research and dismissal services with an emphasis on building code consulting.

We assist commercial and residential owners in the removal of existing violations that are issued by the various City Agencies, including Housing Preservation & Development (HPD), DOB and the Fire Department, Environmental Control Board Violations for ‘Work Without a Permit’ and ‘Building Occupied without a Valid Certificate of Occupancy’.

- Unsafe Building Violations

-Stop Work Orders  

-Schedule HPD Inspections  

-Submit Certificate of Corrections 

-Schedule DOB Inspections to remove DOB violations 

-Title Search   

-Court Representation   

-Consult and refer to Architects, Plumbers and Contractors 

 -In Depth Research and Removal of all  HPD, DOB, DOH, DOT and DEP Violations.


Architectural & Engineering Services

- Pre-design

- Interior Design
- Residential & Commercial Design
- Façade Restoration & Compliance     with Local Law 11/98
- Renderings & Detailing
- Construction Management
- Cost Estimating

Judgement Settlements

We specialize in reducing ECB Violations, HPD Judgements and Workman's Compensation Liens and National Grid/Brooklyn Union Gas/Keyspan Judgements. We are completely success based. That means no money is required up front and no fee is due if a reduction and savings is not secured. On any closings you are working on we can help reduce the fines and remove the violations or judgments. On deals that have closed we can help reduce escrow exposure.


Job Filings

We  provide the following:

- Research of all outstanding items utilizing the Building Information System (BIS).
- Pre-inspection walk-thrus and punch lists.
- Scheduling and attendance of Department of Buildings Construction Inspections.
- Assistance with sub-contractor signoffs, including Plumbing, Elevator, Electrical, and Fire Protection signoffs.

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